Join PTC For Free And Start Earning Today (High Incomes)

PTC (Paid To Click) is a way to get free money on the internet. We will be paid by the service provider PTC websites we click any ads that they present:

PTC With High Incomes:

How do I earn money with ClixSense? 
There are several ways for you to earn money with ClixSense. First is by viewing advertisements that are in our system. You earn commissions for every ad you see. The amount per ad ranges from $0.001 and up to $0.02.

Other ways you can earn from ClixSense is through promoting others to our site with our affiliate program. You earn downline click commissions, upgrade commissions and a commission from your referrals's purchases. The amount you make all depends on your account status (Premium or Regular).
Premium members earn higher downline click commissions from their direct referrals, are entered into an 8 level affiliate program for premium upgrades and earn signup commissions. Click here to find out more.
You can also earn additional commissions by completing tasks, offers, participating in surveys and winning in ClixGrid.

When and how will I get paid (Cashout)?

Your earnings will be sent by your method of choice provided that some conditions are met as shown on the table below. All funds are in US Dollars.

Electronic cashouts (PayPal, Payza) are processed 2 times a week, on Monday and Friday afternoon, before 5PM EST. This does not mean that if you submit your request at 4:55PM that you will receive it that day. This means that the cashouts will be "completed" by that time. We suggest that if you are going to request your cashout that you do it before 2PM EST on Monday or Friday afternoon. This way you will be guaranteed to receive your cashout on that day. You may also request your cashout several days prior to the scheduled cashout day if you wish as we give you the option to add funds to your pending cashout up until the time your cashout is approved.

Checks are mailed only once a month on or before the 10th of the month to the postal address on your profile, so please make sure you request your cashout at the beginning of the month and that the information on your profile is accurate. Checks are valid for a period of 60 days from the date of issuance. It is the responsibility of the recipient to cash or deposit checks in a timely manner consistent with the 60-day time frame. Any check not cashed within the validity time frame is subject to cancellation.

To request a payment click on the link "Request Cashout" that will be made available on your account summary page next to your balance. This link will be available only once you have reached the minimum cashout.

Minimum balance to cashout is $6 for Premium members and $8 for Standard members — PayPal and Payza only, for other options please see table below.

Apa itu Clixsense ?
Clixsense adalah sebuah program affiliasi yang sangat simple, sangat sederhana & sangat mudah untuk dijalankan, dan yang paling penting untuk mendaftar di clixsense Anda tidak akan dipungut biaya seperserpun alias GRATIS !
Clixsense bisa dijadikan tambahan penghasilan dalam bisnis online Anda sambil anda browsing di internet, dimanapun anda dan kapanpun program ini bisa dijalankan. dan tentu saja pendapatan yang cukup lumayan untuk Anda.

Cara Kerja ?
Clixsense adalah salah satu program bisnis yang paling baru yang akan membayar anda untuk melakukan klik URL iklan yang mereka tampilkan. Untuk satu iklan hanya dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 detik. satu iklan dihargai sekitar $0.01 hingga $5.

Ada 2 jenis member yaitu Standar dan Premium.
apa perbedaanya ? Perbedaanya adalah, untuk member biasa atau standar ( member yang melakukan pendaftaran/ sign up secara gratis ), iklan yang di tampilkan perharinya hanya 2-5 iklan saja. Tapi jika Premium member iklan yang akan di tampilkan 200 - 300 iklan yang harus Anda klik / di kunjungi, hanya saja kita harus membayar 10 $ untuk menjadi member Premium. Pembayaran via paypal dan bisa juga dengan google cek.

Program ini sangat cocok sekali bagi anda yang suka browsing dan ber-internet atau memiliki sedikit waktu untuk mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet. secara perhitunga
n sangat menguntungkan, karena jika dihitung secara logika dan dipraktekkan sebagai berikut :
1 iklan 30 detik dan kita di bayar 0.01 - 5 $, kita pilih yang per iklan $0.01 saja berarti patokan dari 1 klik adalah 0.01$ jika kita meluangkan waktu sehari 2 jam berarti dapat dihitung 2 jam = 120 menit x 2 (60 dtk / 30 dtk) = 240 Klik. jika dihitung 0.01 $ berarti dalam sehari = 2.4 / 2Jam. Jika dikalikan sebulan 2.4 x 30 = 72 $ lumayan bukan.

Disamping itu juga anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan lagi jika Anda bisa mendapatkan referal sebesar 10% dari orang yang mendaftar. dan mendapatkan 50% jumlah $ dari orang yang menjadi member premium melalui referal anda.

Pengiriman cek bisa diset dibagian profile. akan dikirim setelah mencapai 10 $


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